Feb 3

Big New Goal and a Transformation Tuesday!

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Well a new month is here & this also means a month closer to spring! Yup, I live in Michigan & do not enjoy cold or snow! Although I should admit I do enjoy some gorgeous sunrises like this morning’s on my drive into work!

 So…January is over. Did I make my goals?  I did fall short on my 100 miles for January. I had a feeling I might as I was finally just starting to up my distance again as physical therapy was allowing. But, when you have a goal to work towards, you have a destination you are working to reach. There were days I jumped on the treadmill & might have only done a mile if it wasn’t for pushing for that 100 total. So, sure I fell short by about 20 miles, but I still feel great about my progress.

My run streak of at least a mile a day is still rolling for a total of 34 days. Today, I am feeling horrible…like really… I completed the slowest mile of my life I’m sure this morning…but I did it.

My new updated monthly goals: my run streak was supposed to be a 40 day one through Valentines Day, but I think I might push it & see how far we can go! I will shoot for my 100 miles again, with being a short month & already starting it out slow from not feeling great, it will not be easy. But, if the goal pushes me to go an extra mile here & there, I will definitely try!

My NEW BIG & MOST IMPORTANT 2015 GOAL: If you have followed my running journey, you know I run for the coolest & most handsome little guy ever! I was paired up with Kingsley through an organization & my miles are dedicated to him. He pushes me more than I can ever explain; when I want to quit, he carries me. In 2015 I will travel to Colorado to meet him. But, I have also googled to find that from my door to his door is 1,185 miles…so guess what, friends? We will be running at least that many miles before the year 2015 comes to an end.

I also have a good solid plan for continuing to build up my lower body strength for my running from my PT so this knee issue disappears once & for all! Oh…and my ab goal for this summer…. always pushing myself….

Why? Because I can. Because I feel like me. Because I feel amazing. Because I feel strong. Because I want to be better than yesterday. Because I love this strong, healthy, dedicated version of me. Because I love challenges & always want to push myself. Because I don’t want to fall short of what I’m able to accomplish or supposed to accomplish. Because when my last day comes, I want to know I used every little bit of energy & talent I was given. Because I am a much better mama and woman when I take care of me.

To cap off my motivational Monday post of my new goals with a transformation Tuesday picture… That’s always motivating!

Until Next Time~



  1. Beautiful and inspiring as always! I missed the 100 mile goal by about 20 as well. But it did keep motivated throughout the month. Onto the next challenge!

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