Nov 10

A New Place

Remember me? Yea, it’s been close to a year.

I was doing some reflection recently and it led me back here. As I read, I could see where I have been, what I have come through, and where I wanted to go. I have forgotten so much. I read with tears to be honest.

I decided in that moment I needed to start this again.

At some point along the way, I had found myself struggling with so much hopelessness when it came to my CRPS. I found myself in a really dark place & I finally realized that I was putting myself in those places.

If you google “Complex Regional Pain Syndrome;” you read nothing good. You find how severe the pain is, there is no cure & that it is dubbed “the suicide disease.” Yes, I know this is all correct information.

When I was first diagnosed, I joined all the Facebook groups because I did not want to be alone in this battle.

I started to realize after spending time in some of these groups, the negativity, the hopelessness, the fear, the stress was increasing and this also directly affects your nervous system so hello, CRPS symptoms!

My point is that the messages I was taking in was having such a large impact on me. Today, I have tight control over what I allow myself to consume.

This control has also come from turning off mainstream media way back in April of this year with all the fear-based reporting. It created constant stress, stress impacts your immune system negatively but guess what else stress does…..yes, it has a direct connection to my CRPS.

Protecting my energy, recognizing what is hurting me versus what is helping me, and being completely in tune with my body has led me to a place that a year ago I never could have imagined I would be in.

This weekend will go down as one of my favorite weekends ever spent with such incredible family time & memories and I am just thankful that I am not in the place I was; that I fought so hard to get back into the light.

Until Next Time~

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