Apr 26

Who Is She?

In last week’s post I wrote about how life has taught me to never fear a brand new starting line. I wrote that a few days before I stepped up to the starting line of a half-marathon that I had not trained for.

The morning of the race, I awoke to a super early alarm with a smile. I simply smiled as I said to just myself, “I’m gonna finish 13.1 miles today.”

Finish. I didn’t say run. I refused to put pressure on myself for this one to run a certain pace or to even run every step of it. All I wanted to do was cross one line & then the other & the mission was the enjoy the distance between the lines.

Before I walked to the starting line, I got kisses from both of my girls! I have never had them there before at the start of a long race.

As I began to cover the miles, I realized how strong I felt.

I realized how much I was falling in love again.

I realized how blessed I am as one foot continued to go in front of the other.

I looked around me & thought about how I was running a race tied directly to my heart’s passion. My mission in life: empowering women.

One of my absolute highlights was when I saw her. This woman, in her late 70s, that I ran a few miles with in last year’s race & even wrote about her on  my blog. The same woman I found on the course of my October Grand Rapids half marathon while she was running the full marathon! There she was. All these runner out here & I look up & spot her. This time, I took the chance to chat with her.

I ran up next to her side & asked if she ran this race last year. Upon her confirmation, I proceeded to tell her how much she inspired me that day, again in October when I spotted her & now today. I expressed I have thought about her many times when out on a run.

I am not sure why this woman was placed on my heart a year ago & why in the middle of races of a couple thousands running, she always crosses my path.

Once I hit mile eleven, I began to feel a tad tired; a little bit like hitting “the wall.” But, I still felt good. There was no point I felt miserable.

I was out there in the middle of other women just moving forward. I enjoyed the scenery, the signs. I laughed with the spectators, every once in a while asking if they were ready to be tagged in yet. I went out of my way to give the kids watching high fives or some knuckles.

Those last two miles I began to be that voice every runner needs to hear. As some began to slow down or walk, as I ran past I gave them words of encouragement. Simple reminders that they could finish this, that really we are almost there, that it was such a gorgeous morning for a run, and to not quit now because we had come this far. Some of these women came back & passed me after cheering them on & I cheered them on again as they disappeared ahead.

A few times when I wanted to quit, I touched the necklace laying on my chest. I have never worn a necklace running before but that morning I knew I had to this time. This necklace was a gift to me for reaching a goal, a milestone, in my business. It was personalized to my “why,”my girls. I knew when I touched it that quitting would never be an option because no matter what, those girls are always watching me & cheering me on. They are my biggest fans & I am theirs.

I turned the last corner & began to look for where my girls were standing. This was going to be the race I made this happen. I did not care how much longer it took, I was not going to cross the finish line without my girls. I grabbed them & their eyes lit up that they needed to help me cross!

We grabbed hands & off they went! I had to pull them back a little reminding them that mom had already traveled thirteen miles & I really needed their help for the last part! As we crossed together, I had a giant smile & tears in my eyes & a feeling I cannot put into words.

This race opened up my heart again to running. This race made me truly see who I am today.

After the race as I began to see pictures that photographers had taken out on the course. As I looked at them there was only one thing I could see and every time I look at them tears come to my eyes.

What do I see?

A woman just filled with joy & in love with her life.


A picture can tell us so much & here they tell a story of a woman enjoying life; every minute of it, in the uphills & the downhills.


At first I did not recognize her, I questioned if it was really me. But, when I looked again I knew it was more me than I have ever been.


Again as I begin to sign off here, my eyes are filled with tears.

Until Next Time~


  1. Krisha, thank you for sharing your own empowerment with other women. Those who run and push themselves to body brilliance, and those who strive to be on target in other ways. I predict that you will be that late-70’s woman one day . . . running and smiling along the way . . . improving as your revise your goals to changing needs . . . growing and glowing all the way.

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