Aug 28

Glow Run & WIW!

Wow – it is already Wednesday this week! That’s awesome BUT it has been such a crazy week! For WIW I am so excited to say I am down 2.4 this week – Woot! Woot! Yes, I am totally tooting my own darn horn today. Why? Because this is the second week in a row where I’ve lost & I am finally feeling like I back on this darn journey for real!

Weigh In Wedneday

Anyway – this weekend was our first, of hopefully many, family 5k runs! My oldest daughter, Jacee, really wanted to do a run this summer…I’m not sure why exactly, other than maybe because she knows it is something mom enjoys & wanted to do it too! We did the “It’s Glow Time” 5k – so flippin’ fun!! My girls did AMAZING!! We finished in about 36-37 minutes & really the only time we stopped running was to hit up the water station! Here’s my fun pics from it!

Did I mention yet that my girls ROCKED IT OUT?! Then, after, they went & tore up the dance scene! Will hopefully do this again!
As for that losing weight thing, I’m really concentrating on my water & cutting out that stupid Diet Coke. I totally know that it is rotting away my insides, however, that never seems to be enough to get me to stop drinking it! I’ve got some Spark on order – CANNOT wait to try that out!
I’m also giving that whole clean eating thing a little more of a try. I say this right before I head off to Labor Day camping with my entire family….which typically equals junk food, food, beer, food, beer….get the picture? I have been eating somewhat clean-er than normal since Monday & I can tell you that I have been feeling so much better / less logged down / more energy since then. Sure, it could all be in my head as I try to convince myself this is something I need to do, but either way, something is working for me! 
And…I’m finally this week trying to pick out cute stuff from my closet, well at least I think it’s cute stuff, as opposed to lately when I’ve just tried to hide under my clothes. See….?!

One last fun bunch of pics, my hubby & I are celebrating 9 years of married bliss today. I really cannot believe it has already been 9 years – but it has been an amazing 9 years with a whole lot of love, laughter, & fun….so here is to many more years! 
Until Next Time~

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