Dec 6

Would You?

Can I ask you something?
If you knew that the next piece of pizza you ate would cause a heart attack….
If you knew that the next cigarette you smoked would melt your face off….
If you knew that every night sitting & watching TV for a few hours would give you depression, or lead to cancer or….
If you knew that eating that McDonald’s would cause you wake up tomorrow & be seriously obese…
If you knew that carrying that extra weight today would cause you heart disease by tonight…
If you knew that being overweight would force you to take medicines tomorrow morning for high blood pressure, cholesterol, etc….
If you knew that continuing your sedentary lifestyle would cause a handful of problems at tomorrow’s doctor appointment….
Would you continue or stop?
Our daily choices, even the smallest ones, compound over time. It’s like starting with a small snowball & rolling it slowly down the hill as it grows & grows.
Your snowball can grow into a healthy & full of life future OR it can grow into a depressed, medicated, future with serious health issues.
What choice would you choose today? Would you still eat that pizza, candy bar, french fries, etc? Or would you push play & choose to eat the foods our body was meant to eat?
I’m not saying there is anything wrong with pizza….what I am saying is that it has to be on occasion! TRUE modification is the way.
What you choose to do today will compound over time. What direction do you want to go?
Today I challenge you to ask yourself this before you make a choice: “If I did this EVERY DAY, would would happen a year from now?” 
As for me…I’m choosing to push play, eat whole foods, get up from my desk & drink my water…..because those are the choices that led me to stop living my life on the sidelines & propelled me actively into my life: for me + for my kids.
Yes, life can be short. I could never see age 37 but I could see age 100. Either way, I am going to treat my body with love, respect & care because THAT allows me to live my life the way I want to. That allows me to be the mom, partner, woman I want to be. 
Until Next Time~

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