Apr 8

I Have This Friend…

I have this friend….who has become my rock in the past year. She has supported me, encouraged me, picked me up off the group, laughed with me, hugged me & has loved me despite my many mistakes or flaws. She recently has found her magic by stepping out of her comfort zone last summer & has been such an inspiration to me & many others….watch out because this girl could kick your butt! This friend has sent me countless random texts with funny jokes or simple words of encouragement on some dark days, always reminding me she was there for me. She is a true giver & has treated me like I am a member of her family. I am blessed by this friendship & so thankful for her being my rock. 

I have this friend….who from miles away has been an inspiration to me & a reminder that my future can be beautiful. She is such a wonderful mama & wife & successful at her career! We are both out chasing each other on our runs weekly; always keeping the other moving forward! This is that friendship where you can go years without seeing each other but the strength of the friendship never diminishes. 

I have this friend….who a few years ago, just like me, decided to put on a pair of tennis shoes & try running. I warned her she might fall in love. She has had to fight through injuries that have sidelined her as well as other life events that sidetrack us. But, with every fall, she always gets back up & fights again. She is that friend who “gets” my love for running & understands the importance of it. She knows the level of crazy I can feel when I miss my runs or knows the peace I can find out there. We both know that no matter how hard times are, one foot goes in front of the other! I think I had tears of pride for her when she recently crushed a 5k at her fastest PR yet!

I have this friend….who reached out to me months ago knowing something was “off” with me. She listened to me, gave me advice & led me to the Bible with just the right scriptures when I needed them. She has encouraged me in my faith, guided me, been an inspiration for me. Another one with simple texts that just say “praying for you today, friend.” Nothing more, simple words that warmed my heart & in return I would thank God for giving me friends like her. 

I have these friends….my circle….who believe in the same things, with values the same. But, more importantly, they are all friends that are thinkers & doers. They all inspire me in different ways, but they push me to grow. They continually push me out of my comfort zone. They do not judge me for my mistakes or failures; they accept me & love me just for who I am. 

My circle has changed; I did not realize how many would not want to be in my next chapter which hurts. But, I truly believe you need to surround yourself with those who you want to be like: the doers, the believers, the inspirations. People who do things, not people wishing they were or comparing to another. People who just want to be who they are supposed to be & not try to be like anyone else. People who love you regardless of how many mistakes you made, despite your imperfections, & will listen even when you do not want to talk. 

I am blessed; blessed with many wonderful friendships that have carried me through my dark days & will be there to dance in the sunshine. 

Until Next Time~


  1. You are an inspiration to me Krisha…you bless my life with your posts, so Thank You!

  2. Just keep that up, Krisha!! You have a way of inspiring others; and it's great to see you be open to the action that requires.

  3. Love, love, love – your future is bright and your now is beautiful too 🙂 xoxo, Tara

  4. Thank you Alicia; right back at you with all your sharing words, songs, verses!

  5. Thank you Lois!!!

  6. Thanks Tara, you are right….my now is beautiful too! Love you!

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