Jan 4

To Light.

Yesterday I posted a blog that was titled, “Dark.” It only seems right to share some light now.

As I am approaching eleven weeks post surgery for my DRG Stimulator I thought it was time to really talk about how this is going.

It has been a roller coaster ride, as I have shared previously.

What we have learned about my body is that my nerves seem to be super, super sensitive, so my response to the stimulator seems to be different than the majority of patients.

We discovered this when I met with the rep from the company & shared about how my body was feeling the stimulation from my lower back down to my toes & would suddenly kick up the intensity. We made some adjustments to the program again and added in shutting it off.

So basically, once a day I shut it off completely and give my nerves 15 minutes or so to settle all the way back down and then we start again. It seems to be working well, actually.

However, let’s focus on the light!

Getting out of bed is easier, taking a shower is easier! I still struggle walking down steps.

But I walk now. Like really. I do not limp.

I haven’t been able to handle going to bed without a sock on, but during the day I am able to wear more than like one pair of shoes!

My foot is often still swollen at the end of the day and still changes its colors from red to purple to blue to sometimes almost seeming transparent.

The part that brought me to tears was this morning. For the past few weeks I would get on my treadmill a couple times a week and try to walk. Often I would jump off after just a few minutes and have to stretch or change my stimulator. Every time battling to get back on. Some days I would have to call it a day after only a few minutes.

Today was my day though. I got on, at my slow pace of under 3 mph and could walk all the way until I hit 30 minutes.

Such a victory. From the woman who recently could hardly walk at all and definitely had a limp to the one who slowly put one foot in front of the other FOR THIRTY MINUTES.

I may not have traveled far and it was incredibly difficult but dang, I felt amazing when I was done.

I am hoping the light keeps getting brighter. Every improvement, no matter how little it may seem, means the world to me.

Until Next Time~



  1. Anonymous says

    I’m glad things are getting better for you. Let’s pray it will continue.

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