Nov 6


A year ago today I woke up filled with nerves & incredibly anxious but also very confident in the decision made to have moved forward. For over a year before I had lived in pain & tried every non-surgical option.

Sure, today I could sit here & second guess that decision knowing the outcome. But, I never believed that I would be in that tiny percent of someone whose life changes but not for the better.

I came out of surgery with my foot being completely reconstructed from my calf muscle down to my toes. It was within three days, that we became fearful that something was not right.

The first trip to the ER was for completely uncontrollable pain. I described the pain as feeling as if they were drilling up the bottom of my heel….before I actually knew that they had drilled into my heel when restructuring it.

For the next few weeks, I continued crying out in pain. My foot felt like it was on fire, it felt like electric currents in my foot. I could not touch my foot without screaming, I could not take a sock off. I also had the wound at the back of my heel that would not heal.

Eventually there was another trip to the ER where they sent me home giving me a double dose of morphine shots. When that did not touch my pain whatsoever, we had a bad feeling. This led to a follow-up with my surgeon explaining to me I had a rare nerve condition & he would send me on to a pain clinic.

Long story short, two days before we closed out 2017, I had been diagnosed with some horrific disease of my nervous system that I had never heard of but had no cure. Say what? Complex Regional Pain Syndrome {CRPS}. Four words that changed my life.

From there we tried so many different prescription medicines & constantly experimented with the dosages. We tried a total of seven injections. Nothing worked. I  had moments that I cannot even begin to find the words to describe them.

There were many moments where part of me had begun to lose hope. There were times where I was laying on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night with pain so severe that I had become physically sick & was trying to hide this from my husband to protect him. I had moments where I traveled through my days hiding the tears in my eyes due to the fire in my foot from everyone around me.

Despite all the fear, the fight, the failed medical attempts, the only thing I knew that I had control over was my MIND. I had the choice to lay around in my pain & let it control my life or I had the choice to live my life with a very grateful heart.

Yes, it was so difficult for me to get out of bed every morning feeling as if there was this little devil living inside of me. But, at the same time, there was so much for my heart to feel the overflow of gratitude from. In these past twelve months, I got engaged to AND married the man of my dreams; a man that has shown me what true UNconditional love really is; a man that never let me feel alone on any of the ugly days. My daughters were both healthy, doing amazing, growing up, accomplishing so much & learning to be even kinder & more loving because of what they learned from this season; yes, they certaintly had many moments of struggles & anger at mom’s disease too.

But, really there was so much beauty even in the ugly.

Hard seasons come in our life. I knew it was my choice what to focus on in this season. Why this season entered my life, I do not know, but I do truly believe there was a reason for me to travel it & someday I will understand it all.

I am now on day eleven post my DRG Stimulator & although we are still taking it all one day at a time & I will be back soon to share my surgical story from this experience, there was something today that I  have to share.

For the past year, I could not stand the air to touch my foot. I mean, I slept with a sock on my left foot every single night. It would come off just as I stepped in the shower in the morning & a sock came back on right after I got out. Air made me scream. But also, blankets or sheets could not touch it. I slept half-way down my bed so I could hang my foot off the end of my bed & away from the chance the blankets could hit it.

Last night I crawled into bed with my pain in my foot at probably the lowest level it has been in a year so I put my big, ugly, bulky sock under my pillow. I told my husband that I was going to test it & see how long I could go before I had to put it on, but we were already thrilled that my foot was UNDER the blankets right at that moment.Last night, for the first night in a year I never put a sock on my foot.

Excuse me now while I literally have tears running down my face from that sentence.

Until Next Time~

Oct 23

Why Mine Is Different

There is no denying the fact that the day I became diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is the day I lost myself.

I had zero idea what was ahead of me, the rough waters I was about to navigate. I had some disease of my nervous system that was horribly painful, had no cure & was something I had never heard of before.

I have tried to pull myself back up many times since that day, only to fall again. It seemed to me that every single time I fought to get back up, a flare-up of my symptoms began. Finding the balance of being the Krisha I had always been while keeping flare-ups from occurring appeared to be impossible.

When you are dealing with something like CRPS or other chronic pain diseases or invisible illnesses, not only are you battling against the physical symptoms day in & day out; but the mental & emotional ones are the ones that really make it difficult.

If you follow me, you know I am a huge fan of Rachel HollisGirl, Wash Your Face. Like, I mean I have re-read that book so many times.

Her & her husband, Dave, who I am equally a fan of, are doing their incredible challenge, the “last 90 days.”  The challenge consists of 5 things we are to strive to do every day for the last 90 days of the year to give us some crazy momentum to head into the new year.

Working out/moving for thirty minutes every day is something I cannot always get in. Between flare-ups & just really the daily symptoms of CRPS, I struggle at this. Also, getting up an hour early to spend time on just me is another item that is not easy. Sleep is something that is truly a gift with CRPS & nighttime is when my symptoms are at their peak so falling asleep takes me hours.

So what exactly am I doing to actually follow along with the last 90 day challenge? It seems only really one item listed on their “five to thrive” list.

I am writing down ten things every day that I am grateful for. Let me tell you, that list has, at times, been my life jacket. There are days where I just want to give up this fight & crawl into bed but staying focused on all the good in my life always makes me smile. I have also listened to their week day live videos on social media & taken notes. I often relate those thoughts to me, to my battle, to MY season.

My ninety day focus is incredibly different from yours. My ninety day focus is about grace, it’s about hope, it’s about love, it’s about strength.

You see, at the beginning of October my husband had shoulder surgery & is unable to lift anything in his dominant hand over two pounds until after the first of the year. I am days away from a surgery that I hope is life-changing in my battle against CRPS. I will be unable to lift anything over 5 pounds and no bending, twisting, reaching, etc. for twelve weeks & a great deal of recovery pain is ahead.

My goal for this last ninety days is to give myself the grace I need in this next step. It’s to practice patience, which I will admit is my absolute biggest struggle in life, as I have to depend on help for so much {I am not good at this part either}. I am going to stay hopeful even on the days where it seems like the procedure is not working. I am going to stay tuned into my body for what it needs.

My last ninety days might look different from yours & it certainly looks different from the way Rachel Hollis drew it up. But, everything is open to your own interpretation & this is mine.

I know that my list of ten things I am grateful for & my list of my dreams/goals written in present tense, and this positive mindset are all the best tools I can have ready for what we will walk through from now until after we ring in 2019. I know this is going to create a wonderful wave of momentum & I truly believe my last ninety day challenge is going to make it possible for me to find myself again. IMG_4778

So what does YOUR last ninety day challenge look like?

Until Next Time~

Oct 9


If you ask me how I am doing these days….numbers. I have sticky notes on my desk at work….numbers. I have a to do list….numbers.

If you see me today & you ask me how I am doing, chances are good my response will be, “17.” Tomorrow, I will answer with “16.”

Recently I started a morning routine in thanks to my new favorite author/speaker/we could so be friends, Rachel Hollis. I write down some dreams, or goals, I have but I write them down in the present tense like they have already happened or are happening now.

For a week, I have written:

I am a DRG stimulator success story.

In seventeen days, I will have that piece of equipment inside my body. It is kind of odd to count down the days to surgery with such joy. In fact, my youngest daughter even made that comment yesterday, “mom, you’re really counting down the days for a surgery?” said with total confusion.

I had to explain to her why that is. I will admit that sometimes I cannot wrap my head around this process. I look back to just four years ago when I was literally in the best shape of my life & today I sit here with an extra sixty pounds & a body that will now need an electronic device inside to function better; some days to function period.

Some days I am okay with that & others, to be completely honest with you, I struggle with that.

Numbers….I also have one on my desk that reads “11” to remind myself of the million things I need to complete at work before I am off for a little bit.

If I actually numbered my to-do list, I might be at line #99,997 or at least that is how I feel when I look at it! For 8-12 weeks I am only allowed very minimal movements & no bending, twisting, reaching or lifting anything over three pounds.

Speaking of, my husband also cannot lift anything over two pounds with his left hand due to shoulder surgery last week. Yes, we make a great team! However, I am happy to report that he is doing great & I am in more pain than he is every night we crawl into bed.

All I know is that I am going to keep writing these on my daily list of ten dreams/goals until each one comes true:

  • I am a DRG stimulator success story
  • I do not take prescription meds for my CRPS
  • I am a runner
  • I am healthy, strong + energetic

Until then, 17.

Oct 1

Like When?

It is no secret here. I have written a thousand blog posts on it. Honestly, it is how I have spent approximately the past twenty-five years of my life.

Wow. Writing that sentence just felt like I was punched in the gut.

Yup, I am writing about dieting. I have disliked my body for as long as I can remember. I was always the “solid” or “thick” one in my group of friends. No, I was not overweight at all. I played sports year round, was always working on my pitching & was a strong athlete.

Anyways, moving to the present.

Now, I sit here very overweight after gaining so much freaking weight being on some very strong prescription meds.

I wrote a month or so ago about breaking up with Weight Watchers after being an active member for 10+ years.

I began doing some real digging since then; doing some reading & listening to some podcasts.

What I have learned is that I have a disordered way of eating. One hundred percent.

Breaking up with the diet culture almost seems impossible at times. How do you stop looking at food & calculating how many points are on your plate or the colored containers you would have used or the number of calories there.

How do you learn that foods are not good or bad? I look at them & cannot help but label each item.

When do you learn that your self-worth is not determined by if you were “good” or “bad” that day, if you stayed within your points or what the number on the scale is?

Like when do you look at an avocado & tell yourself to measure out JUST a quarter of it so you do not consume too many calories? It’s amazing how when you stop measuring it & just use what you need that it does not end up being a ton! This is probably around a quarter but with a totally different mindset. IMG_3159.jpg

I am learning to tune into my body to hear what it needs. A yummy salad with cheese (omg….yes, cheese!!!) on top along with other toppings eaten out of self-love tastes a million times better than one forced to be eaten out of this culture of dieting we live in.

{Please do not think I am telling you that you should not be living in diet culture. I’m sharing my life, my experiences & the fact that I just cannot live that way anymore. I need to heal these relationships. Like everything here on my blog, I share about what I’m going through, my life.}

So, I am here. I have dug in. My relationship with food & my body is being worked on. The cycle of disordered eating needs to stop. There is so much for me to unpack.


I’m all in.

Until Next Time~

Sep 27

Season of….

I lost my crap. I did.

I am a giver. I am an independent stubborn woman who every single day wakes up with the intention of being a great wife & mom. I am a lover & I love big. I show that love by taking care of my people.

This week it has hit me hard. Like, I think I ran into a brick wall at full speed.

I no longer know how to balance this life. I used to be EXCELLENT at balancing all the things & that included, very much so, taking care of ME too. I was not forgotten. I made time in the day just for me, I worked out, I knew what “self-care” meant.

Now, I have CRPS {Complex Regional Pain Syndrome} & I’m not the same person. In fact, I really have no idea how to take care of me anymore.

The other day my husband said, “take care of you,” & it hit me. How do I?

Every morning, I stumble out of bed after shutting off my alarm & oversleeping. My foot hits the floor & instantly I want to scream but I know that I have to keep moving. I take off the big bulky sock I have to wear to bed being that I cannot handle the air touching my foot to see that the color of my foot is still abnormal & the swelling did not go down at all overnight.

Somehow or another, I pull myself together to help my girls get ready & we leave the house in a hustle. I carry on at work & then run my girls all over in the evenings or catching every athletic meet or game all with a smile. We walk in the door in the evening & the kitchen is calling my name. There is food to make or prep, lunches to be packed, dishes to clean & then homework to assist with.

By the time I get my shoes off & my foot up it is too late in the evening. Now, my foot is huge, funky colors & the pain level is out of this world. That is when the sleepless night begins.

As a matter of fact, the last three nights I have cried myself to sleep due to pain.

Can I be honest? I was not only crying due to the pain. But, due to fear. I finally got the courage to say it out loud last night to my husband, “the pain is spreading.”

That was horribly difficult to say to you all. Fear.

Yes, CRPS can spread anywhere & for some people it spreads everywhere. For me, I have been pretty lucky that it was just in my foot & not always felt in the entire foot.

However, I now feel it throughout my entire foot & my calf. I try so hard to not walk with a limp as I know that is terrible for the rest of my body but the calf pain is making this harder yet. The muscle spasms have increased significantly also recently.

I am clearly not a doctor so how the sympathetic nervous system relates to the brain is so far over my head but I do know that because of all this insomnia, agitation, depression & irritability are extremely common in CRPS patients.

That was me last night. I lashed out. At my daughters. I was so far past exhausted & in pain so great that I wanted to have my face hidden in a pillow screaming. In the conversation, however, I did explain to them how mom was struggling right now with her CRPS & that I just needed a little grace. I told them that I give well over 100 percent to be everywhere & be everything they needed & I now needed some respect from them to help me a little.

Yesterday, my mood suffered. I felt all those things above in such a strong way.

Yes, I did still make my list of ten things I was grateful for but I cannot deny my pain was winning. Without that list, the day would have been so much more difficult to make it through.

Today, I sit here wondering how & what self-care looks like for me. I love taking care of everyone, I love being the crazy full-time working sports mom who people always wonder how she does it all.

I struggle to admit my weaknesses now, I hate saying, “I need help.” I feel, truly, like I have lost so much of ME & I am still working through all that.

I am going to sit with these feelings I have right now. I am going to navigate through them. The fear I feel is real; the uncertainty & the difficulties ahead are there.

However, I do know that this season is going to lead me, lead us, to wonderful things. My husband has shoulder surgery next week & the roles will flip as he becomes the patient. In just twenty-nine days I go in for a surgery that will hopefully change my life.

Until then, I am going to try to find a better balance & a little self-care somewhere in all of this, in this crazy season & try to discover a few more pieces of me.

This season will take me places.

{But, now I will probably sit a bit in a vulnerability hangover as admitting I’m afraid is so hard for me.}

This is life with chronic pain; this is what it’s like for those that try our best to fight through our days.


Until Next Time~

Sep 25

The Lens

Last week my daughter & I were out of state for her to go through some more testing with her team of doctors. This was one of the biggest challenges for me since CRPS has changed my life.

Before I would have thought nothing about being away, about handling all of this on my own.

It beat the crap out of me in so many ways.

I did push away from many people; I did not want anyone to ask me how I was doing. I didn’t want to lie & tell you I was doing just fine. The reality is that every day I could tell how weak I was, how fast I get tired, the mental fog I struggle with. There is no need to even discuss the actual pain.

But, my daughter kept me going. I kept looking back at how far we have come for her in the almost four years since we started with our Ohio doctors. We were overnight in the hospital last week & the reminders of her surgery in 2015 & how much she has grown were just stuck in my mind.

One of her favorite memories from her surgical stay was painting one of the bears from the art cart & turning it into a Michigan Wolverine to tease our huge Ohio State fan nurses. This trip, the art cart came by & she immediately grabbed the stuff to make another Wolverine. The two of us loved looking back at her picture from back then compared to now!


Three years later I have this incredibly strong & brave ten year old. She went through a lot in these few days and she smiled through it all.

I mean, don’t get me wrong….there were many battles & moments of frustration & “why?” questions. Like this here when we were nearing midnight & not totally done with prep but both so far over it & so far past exhausted. IMG_2623.jpg

I got home & the rest of my weekend was filled with cheering on my J between Cross Country & Softball. DSC_0608DSC_0670

The truth is… favorite thing in life is to be next to my kids in all they do or face.

But, yesterday I sat here feeling like I got hit by a semi & this last week had me in a funk. I am exhausted, my symptoms are freaking crazy. I sat here on the verge of tears for so many different reasons. I’m realizing that my body is telling me it’s in need of some self-care, some good rest, some breaks.

Honestly, for the past few days I have felt so much like hiding. I have felt like being done writing or sharing my journey & just keeping this life all to myself.

I have always found timing to be amazing.

Because, while feeling this way, I received a message from someone fighting a HUGE medical battle thanking me. Like what? My story has helped her, she said. The way that my daughter & I have faced all her challenges has inspired her. My words have encouraged her. However, she inspires ME.

Yesterday morning I knew I was finding myself in battle; in a funk due to all the life & stress from last week. I could see it coming straight on. So, I pulled out a cute new notebook I have…because I always have cute notebooks on hand {like for real}.

I numbered the first ten lines; scribbled some additional thoughts & filled out the first few numbered lines.

  1. a new week
  2. Bear waking up to her alarm & waking me up who overslept
  3. cold brew coffee
  4. singing in the car with my girls on the way to school
  5. a clean desk at work on a Monday

The other notes I scribbled were me truly tuning into my body: what it was feeling, what it needed, the symptoms I was feeling & the number level of my pain.

The other day on our way home from Ohio, Bear & I were talking about what the doctors found and our next steps. I explained to her that I felt like we were FINALLY, after 7+ years, approaching the finish line. This has been a journey. I have watched her go through so much in these years, held her hand through everything, squeezed the crap out of her every single time they took her away from me to sedate her for surgeries or procedures (over 12 times). But, she & I never gave up. We shed a whole lot of tears together but we always said “tomorrow will be better.” Now, we stand here so freaking close to the finish line because I’m a stubborn mama & never gave up on better answers for her. 

That list of things above? That’s my list of things I was grateful for yesterday morning. Not the big things. The small, little things in a day that we often miss or don’t stop to appreciate.

Here is the thing. I kinda felt like giving up this weekend many times. I wanted to crawl into bed, pull the covers up over my head & hide away.

But, we can choose to make good days. I can choose to love my life more than I hate my pain. I can focus on how much I hurt instead of focusing on all the things I’m grateful for.

I had to change my lens. We choose the lens we view through every day, every hour. Last week I refused to look through the lens of negativity while we hung around the hospital for days. I choose to focus on how blessed we truly are & how far we have come. Right now I could focus on how horrible my symptoms are lately, how incredibly swollen my foot is & it never goes down anymore or the fact my mobility is suddenly horrible.

Instead, the lens I will view through is one of gratitude. So, today, I will make my list of at least ten more small things I am grateful for & I will love my life. Honestly, every day is a battle living life with this disease but at the end of every day, I might have CRPS but I just cannot let it win my life.

One of those blessings the other day was my husband surprising my Bear with the foods she was CRAVING during those three days of no foods! Only Tony’s bacon because his is the BEST according to the girls & a loaded baked potato. Love is what we came home to. IMG_2685.jpg

What lens will  you look through today?

Until Next Time~

Sep 12

I Can’t Forget

It amazed me how quickly I found myself slipping back again, back to that place.

It’s familiar there and quite frankly, it’s easy.

I sat there building up the layers, the wall. I do not want anyone else to see inside this place. I want to hide it all.

But then I realize hiding is not the best choice. It’s dark there, REALLY. DARK. Lonely. And once you find yourself in this place, it can be so hard to fight your way back out.

However, this week I found slipping back into that dark place is so easy. Scary easy. I started to hide. I hid from my husband. I stopped sharing. I wanted to hide it all.

After being afraid of slipping back into the darknesses, I had a moment with myself that I cannot forget this journey. I don’t want to forget every struggle I fought through.

I believe that SOME DAY I will be living life without pain and without a fight every day and I want to remember what it took to get there.

So, maybe this blog will be like my weekly journal where I will put into words everything. For me. For other CRPS warriors or other chronic pain fighters.

I want to remember those pep talks in the mirror with tears in my eyes telling myself that I am strong enough to get through my day.

I want to remember the other day when the pain was so intense but I needed to have on my sports Mom hat and a strong face in front of my kids that I had to fight back down vomit….my pain was that intense.

Yes, pain attacks you all over, in every way you could imagine.

I want to remember the way a flare up feels. When I cannot stand my sock, let alone a shoe but yet the air is worse. I want to remember trying not to scream as my husband accidentally tossed covers on my side of the bed and they hit my foot. A sheet. It barely weighs a thing but to me it weighs so much.

I want to remember standing in the shower with tears screaming down my face as I just stood there and prayed.

I want to remember feeling like my foot is on fire, and then feeling the fire burn up into my calf. I want to remember the way the fire felt as if it was burning brighter with every step.

I want to remember that I now go days without doing my hair and quite often, my teenage daughter does it for me. Showering, sometimes, is just not really even an option.

I want to remember when I had to be real and tell my husband that when I say “I’m fine” to him it’s just me protecting him. It’s me not wanting to share with him how great my pain is, or the moments I fought back down vomit, or the tears that I hid emptying the dishwasher. Because he just feels helpless and then tries to carry the load all alone. So I protect him.

I want to remember. Because someday I will no longer feel this pain. Someday I will be in remission or a cure will be found or my DRG stimulator will work one hundred percent. CRPS will be a past chapter in my story.

Sometimes I already am amazed at how I have already forgotten some moments or struggles I went through.

I want to remember.

Until Next Time~

Aug 24

In The…

I forgot. In that moment, I forgot that I have been sitting here before. Feeling this way. Sitting right in the middle….

I sat there feeling completely overwhelmed…not really sure I could handle much more. This house that I have to spend my life in feels almost as if the walls are crumbling and there is nothing strong & sturdy left.

Later I was reflecting on life & all that comes with it as I laid in pain with tears rolling down my cheeks, I have been in a place like this before. I remember feeling like I was out in the middle of the ocean & I could see the shoreline but I felt too exhausted to keep swimming. I was bobbing up & down the water line before I suddenly remembered…

I am here again in the middle. In the mess. In the storm.

The problem with the middle is you really have no idea how long it might last, you cannot see how soon before the storm will let up or pass all together. But, the middle is where you grow.

You can never skip the middle, the storm. That is the moment you get to be your own hero. That is when you must rely on your faith to carry you when you cannot see ahead of you.

I am in the middle. My body is sick, my home is sick. I cannot say the words, “I’m sick” because….well, it’s just my body. I’m strong & stubborn as can be. The list of symptoms I am experiencing in a day would shock most but I carry on with a smile. I have too many meds that I hate & cannot wait for the day I no longer carry multiple pill bottles in my purse.

Next week I get to have back to back days of sedation. The first day I get to have a scope….oh happy day….not. The second day is my first of two injections that my pain specialist is hoping will give me a little temporary relief while I wait until my surgery for my permanent DRG stimulator.

So, right now, I am stuck in the middle with my surgery date being the rainbow that follows the storm. The other day, I became full of fear that I was focusing so much on my stimulator being the answer and what if? What if the permanent one doesn’t work? What if it doesn’t give me any relief? What if…what if…what if?

Then, I remembered when you are in the middle, you must have faith over fear. No, I cannot see the answer(s) ahead, I have no idea what could happen next but I know that I have to have faith. I have to believe that all I am traveling through right now is helping me grow into the person I need to be, that He intended me to be, on whatever comes after this storm.

So, I will keep swimming in the middle of the ocean. I will hold up the walls on this body, this home, of mine from the inside. I will keep faith above my fears and you should know, when I come through the middle {the mess} my smile will still be there but I won’t be the same person. I will have grown even more into the person I was meant to be.

Now for some self-care Friday lunch hour edition. Nails + Starbucks was so needed.


Also….day two hair is perfect for Fridays!


Until Next Time~

Aug 17

Why I Had to End It

This decision was one that took so much soul-searching. After ten years, I was ending what had become a part of my life. But, it just no longer fit. It could not fit.

Ever have something you just keep forcing, telling yourself you need it. Every day you believe you will find the way to make it fit into your life.

Until one day, you realize. It is time for a new way of living; it is time to start down the road that keeps calling your name that you keep trying to ignore.

Ten years ago, I walked into Weight Watchers with a two-week old baby & overweight. I had great success, losing over 55 pounds & becoming a Lifetime member. I truly do love WW & am thankful for the friends I made during my years. A month ago, I officially canceled my WW membership.

About a year ago, I began to struggle with my weight greatly as I began to start dealing with chronic pain.

I kept trying to make WW fit. I went to my meetings, I tried to count my points. I tried counting calories & I have counted color-coded containers. I tried keto, I tried macros. In terms of “diets” I have tried them all.

I have struggled with body image for as long as I can remember & I am over it. Trying to lose weight right now, labeling foods with points, not eating foods that are really good for me to eat but are too high in points that I would not want to use that many (avocados, almonds, etc) does not fit into my life anymore.

I am the size I am. I am taking several meds that a handful have the side effect of weight gain & I know they have caused me to gain. There are days my body is unable to really move at all & when it can move, I don’t want to workout because I need to burn off calories or earn points. I want to workout because I can & because it just feels good. Like this morning. IMG_1495.jpg

I am going to focus on simply taking care of me without stressing about the points or the calories on a food or what container it might fit into. I am doing some research on intuitive eating, which has really caused me to do a lot of internal digging & coming face to face with what I needed to.

I am seeing how much of a horrible relationship I have with food & honestly, my body. I have been stuck in a vicious cycle for so long of restrictive dieting followed by bingeing. I binge. I binge big. This all leads me to even lower self-worth & more guilt. Then, I start all over. So unhealthy.

It is time to walk away from the diet culture that surrounds us. I am going to start down this new road & learn to love my body; I’m going to learn that food & guilt do not come hand-in-hand. I no longer care about your judgement or about the messages that surround us every day.

For months I have not wanted to purchase any new clothes in the sizes that would fit me currently believing I would be able to fit into my clothes in the closet soon. Perhaps some day I might. But, for now, I went ahead & purchased a few new things because why shouldn’t I just feel good now? In this size. In this shape. This is me.

Now, for just taking care of me, loving me, & learning how to listen to what my body really needs & allowing it to have it. I’m going to move forward on fixing the negative relationship I have with food & really becoming what I now believe to be, HEALTHY. Healthy at my size.


Until Next Time~

Aug 3

Happy Friday?

I started this morning up before 5:30 excited for the end of the week to be here. I was feeling good! Yesterday I felt on the edge of a total mental breakdown; but I started today with a new perspective……but, sometimes things can take a tumble. Quite literally.

Quickly that list I run through my mind daily of the things I’m grateful for began.

There are certain daily things that are hard for me to do now with my CRPS. Sometimes those things are related to my medicines and other times, it is because of the disease. But, simple daily functions are not easy; things I once could do without even thinking or never realized what a blessing it was that I could do them. Life without a constant mental fog or inability to focus, life without feeling so exhausted simply by trying to push through.

You know, some people want to climb a mountain or run a marathon. However, right now for me, I just want to be able to go down the stairs like “normal.” Any kind of downward motion, walking down a hill or down steps, is incredibly difficult. Each foot touches each stair, there is no left foot on one step & the right foot on a different one. The mobility in my foot is not there; it simply cannot do it. Honestly, steps are my worse enemy that I have to face every day.

It has been my goal for months now to walk down these stairs without taking me minutes to reach the bottom; without having to really think about each move. IMG_0491.jpgThis morning I posted an Instagram story saying “Happy Friday!” I went on to chat on how I used different eye shadow, I had in sassy earrings & a new top. I was feeling good, like today was a good day.IMG_0501_Facetune_03-08-2018-10-04-38Within minutes, my day took a turn. More like a tumble.

I was taking my time going down our wooden steps when suddenly my bad foot locked up & got caught and down I went literally tumbling down at least seven steps. I do not mean I slid down them. I rolled, like a kid rolling down a hill…my face hitting them several times. I stopped once I hit the floor & my body was thrown into a plant that sits in the corner. My head nailed the pot to stop the roll.

Like I said, steps are my daily enemy. Today they took me down. Needless to say, for a while I think I will go back to scooting on my butt down them.

Luckily my new shirt I was so excited about in my Instagram story was from Walmart because it was ripped & now had blood spots.

My body hurts; my lip is fat, my mouth cut up inside. There is a massive bump on my forehead & cheek; a cut by my nose. My elbow has a deep gash on it, my shoulder looking like a good rug burn. My lower back is killing me as well as…..okay, everywhere else.

My foot, we are not even going to talk about my foot. We are going to try to focus on the rest of my body pain….or I may not move. IMG_0529Here is the deal: I spent time crying, in pain & in frustration. I was pissed at my body because I cannot move like I want to or like I once could. I hate how hard it is to do certain things, “easy things.”

But then, I became grateful that I could call into work (my brother & dad) to let them know I needed some extra time. I became grateful for the makeup vanity that my husband went & picked up for me to have in our room so I don’t have to stand to get ready. Sitting there to catch my breath & touch up my face was huge.

The third thing I was grateful for in this moment was a husband who quickly insisted that he could come right home to check on me. I told him I was fine a hundred times before he finally said okay. That man is always there for me in so many ways.

In changing my shirt, I realized today was the perfect day to pull out my new CRPS Warrior shirt. This disease has done so much to my body, changed my life in more ways than I can ever explain here on a blog, made my days a struggle but I just cannot let it win. I’ll keep working on my mobility in my foot, to make any downward motion smooth and possible. IMG_0511.JPG

A tumble cannot keep me down & this disease will not stop me from living my best life.

Until Next Time~