Dec 22

One Promise

In the past, I have always allowed the stress of this time of year to completely win in the battle against me. The overwhelmed feeling, the feeling that it was not going to get all done, the stress of the mile long lists of things to do.

This year, as the holiday season approached I made one promise to myself.

NOT THIS YEAR.15179177_1096176267159625_6459369893790849759_n

This was going to be the year that I did not let the hustle & bustle of the holidays completely take me over. I was going to stay focused on what mattered.

You see, I always tried so hard to make this time of year PERFECT for everyone. Everyone. But, for me, I literally was kicking the crap out of myself & clarity was gone.

I lost sight of what mattered the most. I thought perfection was what counted. A PERFECT holiday for everyone. But, the way I was measuring this perfection was based on the wrong things. 15241942_1102997753144143_5203682575355643417_n

Over the past year & a half, I have really dove head first into personal development with the goal of real, true personal growth. The growth that requires being in the trenches & digging yourself out.

This season I can see the type of growth that I was striving for.

My goal this holiday season is to love others; it is not about stressing myself out over the absolute perfect gift & it is NOT about the pretty bow I tie on their gifts. It’s about being present. Stopping in the moments to enjoy those around me, to enjoy the magic of the season, to feel the love I am surrounded by.

Yes, I only have one more day before the Christmas parties begin. No, I don’t have all my gifts purchased & I am waiting to see when some will finally arrive.

But, this year, the stress will not win. I promised myself to remember what really matters & it is not the perfect bow or the cleanest house or the best dish at the party.


It is about being present regardless of just how imperfect you are. It is about pouring love into others, but guess what?

You must also pour love into yourself. I promised myself I would not lose sight of that because when I do, nothing in my life works right; nothing.

Now, for an evening with a few items on my “to do” list mixed with some items to make sure my cup stays full too.


Until Next Time~

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